
Cleaning laptop keyboard

I have been using my Acer TravelMate 2490 for more than two years now. Keyboard got pretty clogged with dust, crumbs and other weird stuff. So I decided that today is a good day for cleaning it up.
Getting keyboard out is rather simple if you know how to do it. For mine model I had to carefully withdraw plastic cover above the keyboard(it is attached only with latches) to get access to screws that keep keyboard fixed. After unscrewing them keyboard can be detached from the base.

Acer TravelMate 2490 Acer TravelMate 2490
Laptop with half-detached keyboard Laptop keyboard

After keyboard is detached all keys should be removed, very carefully, the process is pretty straightforward. It took about an hour to clean all the keys and a board with bare hands(I wish I had forceps) and old toothbrush.

Disassembled laptop keyobard Rubbish inside of a laptop keyboard
Cleaned up laptop keyboard Disassembled laptop keyboard


  1. I have no lap top but I am very lame with computers so I just clean the surface of the keyboard.
    Ropi from Hungary

  2. Being Laptop Motherboard Repairexpert I am just thinking about the laptop keywords repair and cleaner expert:)
    You have made here the process so simple. People can now clean their laptop keyboards themselves.
