At home I use OpenSUSE 11.1. Few days ago I tried to upgrade my VirtualBox from version 2.0 to 2.1.
I ran YAST -> software management, found a new version of VirtualBox in the Virtualization:VirtualBox/openSUSE_11.1 repository. I choose to update the package.
Then I get an error "The file is not found on a medium"
I tried this URL with wget and fount that it redirects me to a mirror:
But, that server gives me an HTTP 404 response.
Then I wrote an email to OpenSuSE ftp admin, he replied that that server ( ( serves the file right to him in Germany.
Then I tried to recieve directory listing from that mirror throug some proxy, the easiest way was to use And i received the listing.
So, it is for sure now that filters content for at least ukrainian IP-addresses(as for 2008-01-26). That's not very kind of them(yandex team).
Fortunately, administrators of changed configuration to not redirect me to mirror, and now I'm able to get needed files with YAST
Common behavior for Russians...